International Association of Mesotherapy

Scientific Council

Dr n. med. Barbara Koleżyńska

Doctor of Medical Sciences in the field of medical biology, MSc in Nursing with a specialization in oncology nursing and MSc in cosmetology.

A graduate of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, the Silesian College of Medicine in Katowice, the University of Strategic Planning in Dąbrowa Górnicza and the University of Economics in Katowice. Academic teacher at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Silesian Academy of Applied Sciences in Katowice.

Professionally associated with the Multidisciplinary Hospital in Jaworzno, where she is the Deputy Director for Nursing. In addition, the owner of the Kolagen Clinic Aesthetic Cosmetology surgery in Jaworzno, an active aesthetic and medical cosmetologist. Additionally, a trainer for a cosmetic company in the field of medical chemical peels.

Additionally, a trainer for a cosmetic company in the field of medical chemical peels. The author of scientific publications and articles. A member of numerous scientific societies.

Dr n. med. Dorota Sagan

A graduate of the Medical University in Łódź, where she obtained the title of doctor of medical sciences at the Faculty of Medicine. She was the first in the world to use an innovative, developed by herself, procedure of applying melatonin to the skin and also the research on lipid peroxidation in the epiderm. A long-time trainer of the techniques for the application of hyaluronic acid and face modeling with the use of a cannula, aesthetic treatments performed with the use of a needle and laser therapy procedures.

Academic lecturer and a participant of many international conferences held in Poland and abroad. Academic lecturer and a participant of many international conferences held in Poland and abroad. Multiple speaker at Scientific Conferences and the author of numerous scientific publications related to her professional specialization and published in the PubMed – the international database of articles in the field of medicine and medical biology.

The owner of the Dormed Medical SPA Health and Beauty Clinic in Busko-Zdrój, which has many times been awarded in rankings (Eagles of Medicine in 2020 and 2019, Golden Laurel of Beauty 2011, Silver Laurel of Beauty 2010), where she develops her passion and holistically combines health prophylaxis with rehabilitation and appearance improvement. She specializes in the skin rejuvenation techniques for people in the menopausal period, in the reduction of difficult scars and discoloration and in the laser therapy of skin lesions. Aesthetics combined with health prevention is her life passion, in the field of which she continuously improves her qualifications.

She was awarded the title of the Entrepreneurial Woman 2010 and the Person of the Year 2018 in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship.

Paweł Ponichtera, MD, PhD

Paweł Ponichtera graduated from the Medical University of Bialystok at the Faculty of Medicine, majoring in medicine and dentistry in 2006, and the University of Public Administration, majoring in Public Health in 2007. Initially associated with the Medical Academy in Białystok, later a doctor and medical director of a large clinic of dentistry, aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery. A graduate and participant of many international trainings and courses in the field of aesthetic medicine, incl. University of Insubria in Italy, and dentistry and implant surgery, incl. Endodontic Curriculum, Implantology Curriculum, Carl Zeiss certificate in the field of microscopic dentistry. He has been involved in aesthetic medicine for over 16 years. International trainer working with the brands of My Filler, Venome, Croma. He conducts trainings not only in Poland, but also in Italy, Romania, Albania and the Republic of Kosovo. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Aesthetic Business portal, editor and consultant of the Studio Estetyka platform. The owner of Hollywood Dental Clinic and Hollywood Estetic Clinic and SPA Beauty Partner Dr Irena Eris. Aesthetic medicine consultant and trainer of the Dr Irena Eris network. Author of publications and scientific articles. Member of the Scientific Council of the International Association of Mesotherapy.

 Author of the photo P. Sudar

Magdalena Górska-Ponikowska MD, PhD. Professor of Medical University of Gdansk

Head of the Faculty and Department of Medical Chemistry of the Medical University of Gdańsk (MUG). Head of the Cosmetology and Medical Trichology Laboratory of the MUG. Head of the Faculty and Department of Medical Chemistry of the Medical University of Gdańsk (MUG). Head of the Cosmetology and Medical Trichology Laboratory of the MUG. Visiting professor at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and the IEMEST Institute in Palermo (Italy). Person of the Year 2022 Art of Beauty Prestige Awards. Scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. Author and co-author of over 70 scientific and popular science publications, patent applications and patents in the field of medicine and medical cosmetology. Supervisor of doctoral dissertations for doctors, pharmacists and cosmetologists. A specialist in the field of research on the role of nitro-oxidative stress in a number of pathologies, in particular in skin dermatoses, aging and skin cancers. Co-owner of the MGP Cosmetics cosmetic company. The creator of innovative and bioavailable Skin Science® anti-aging professional and retail cosmetics.

Jacek Ciesielski, PhD

W 1983 roku po ukończeniu studiów rozpoczął pracę zawodową i jednocześnie specjalizację pierwszego stopnia z zakresu stomatologii ogólnej, którą ukończył w 1984 roku z wynikiem celującym. Pracując zawodowo, interesował się nowoczesnymi rozwiązaniami stomatologii zachowawczej i protetyki oraz zagadnieniami szerokiego użycia środków znieczulających w leczeniu, odwiedzał kliniki oraz instytuty badawcze w Szwajcarii, Niemczech oraz Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie ukończył MBA w stomatologii. Od 1991 roku nieustannie prowadzi wykłady i szkolenia. Jest autorem programu „Marketing i zarządzanie w stomatologii oraz kalkulacje zyskowności praktyki stomatologicznej”. Wygłosił na ten temat wiele wykładów w ramach spotkań z PTS w całej Polsce oraz podczas targów stomatologicznych CEDE w latach 1991, 1992 i 2001. Nawiązał kontakty z ośrodkami badawczymi Niemiec i Szwajcarii ( Detrye Densply, Coltene Whaledent). W latach 1998 – 2001 wykonywał raporty kliniczne i był współwydawcą biuletynu CRA Polska. Jego opinie badawcze są wykorzystywane przez szerokie grono dentystów na świecie. Firma Coltene Whaledent umieśiła opisy przypadków klinicznych jego autorstwa dotyczące odbudowy stratyfikacyjnej zębów przy użyciu kompozytu Miris w swojej galerii. W 1994 roku sprowadził do Polski strzykawkę do znieczulenia śródwięzadłowego o nazwie Paroject i rozpoczął nad nią badania naukowe i kliniczne. Ukoronowaniem tej pracy była rozprawa doktorska, którą obronił w 2002 roku. Prowadził wykłady z techniki znieczulenia śródwięzadłowego oraz nowoczesnych rozwiązań w stomatologii zachowawczej i protetyce, pogłębiał swoją wiedzę, studiując eksternistycznie w latach 1995-1996 w Klinice Ortodoncji Czeskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Olomouc. W 2002 roku rozpoczął studia w Stanach Zjednoczonych w instytucie LVI w Las Vegas, aby poszerzyć swoją wiedzę z zakresu zaawansowanych rekonstrukcji protetycznych posterior-anterior, okluzji cz. I, II, III, które zakończył z wynikiem pozytywnym w roku 2008. W latach 2002-2003 przeprowadził szereg szkoleń z zakresu zasad preparacji i cementowania licówek porcelanowych. Były to szkolenia prekursorskie i autorskie. W 2002 roku otrzymał zaproszenie Departamentu Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego jako ekspert do programu opracowania zasad i punktacji kontynuacji edukacji po studiach lekarzy medycyny i stomatologii. Ukoronowaniem tego programu były wykłady na temat aspektów integracji Polski z UE podczas targów stomatologicznych Baldentica 2003. W latach 1998-2008 organizował, wykładał i prowadził zajęcia praktyczne dla studentów stomatologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie w ramach programu „Poszerzamy swoją wiedzę na studiach”, którego współorganizatorem było TSS. Zajęcia te cieszyły się bardzo dobrą frekwencją i bardzo dobrymi recenzjami. Jest autorem filmów szkoleniowych „Zasady preparacji i cementowania licówek porcelanowych”, „Wykonywanie kliniczne wkładów i nakładow”, „Techniki znieczulenia śródwięzadłowego strzykawką Paroject”, które dziś cieszą się ogromną popularnością wśród lekarzy i studentów. Filmy zostały wyróżnione przez dentystów Gordona Christensena, Howarda Farrana, Daniela Worda. Jest pomysłodawcą i autorem publikacji opisu przypadków w postaci fotoreportażu klinicznego. Aktualnie w ramach programu Akademia Okluzji – Szkołą Okluzji” wraz z grupą specjalistów z Polski realizuje projekt edukacji lekarzy i studentów. W latach 2008 – 2011 prowadził wykłady dla studentów Stomatologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie w projekcie Vishing-lectures (nowość w stomatologii). W latach 2010-2015 prowadził cykle wykładów w Akademii Okluzji w ramach Dentamed i Krakdent. Jest aktywnym członkiem Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi i podczas ostatnich obchodów był autorem i kierownikiem naukowym szkolenia na zjeździe absolwentów. Patronat nad wydarzeniem objął JM Rektor Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi oraz Prezes Okręgowej Izby Lekarskiej w Łodzi. Lekarze z wydziału medycyny, stomatologii, farmacji oraz magistrowie analityki medycznej otrzymali za to szkolenie punkty edukacyjne. Doktor Jacek Ciesielski należy do IAO oraz PTDnŻ. Jest członkiem PTS i aktywnie współpracuje na tym poziomie z PTS Wrocław. W roku 2016 brał udział w konkursie na Kierownika Zakładu Protetyki Stomatologicznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, spełniając warunki konkursu. Aplikacja została przyjęta. W latach 2016-2018 pełnił funkcję prodziekana w AHE Łódź (wydział inżynieria stomatologiczna z implantoprotetyką, studia dwustopniowe). W 2019 roku w ramach spotkań w Kołobrzegu „Nowe Trendy w Stomatologii” był wykładowcą wśród wszystkich konsultantów krajowych ze wszystkich dziedzin stomatologii w Polsce. Prowadzi badania naukowe nad wpływem poziomu kortyzolu na organizm człowieka i dysfunkcjami narządu żucia. W 2020 był Przewodniczącym Komitetu Organizacyjnego Targów EXPO Warsaw Dental Medica Show. W latach 2020 – 2021 wykłada na Uniwersytecie Medycznym we Wrocławiu starając się uzyskać statut profesora uczelnianego. Jest autorem 40 artykułów w prasie specjalistycznej, takiej jak: Twój Przegląd Stomatologiczny, Magazyn Stomatologiczny i Protetyka Stomatologiczna. Jest Także autorem monografii „Licówki porcelanowe na zęby żuchwy i szczęki” (rok wydania 2020). Posiada ikonografię przypadków klinicznych stomatologii estetycznej i impantoprotetyki swoich pacjentów, jest to 5 888 przypadków. Od września 2020 r. prowadzi badania naukowe nad wykorzystaniem probiotyków dawkowanych do jamy ustnej zamiast antybiotykoterapii. Prace te prowadzi wspólnie z Uniwersytetem Warmińsko-Mazurskim Instytutem Żywności.

Dr. Alberto Leguina-Ruzzi MD PhD

Doctor in medical sciences from the Catholic University of Chile (PhD),
Doctor general medicine from Charles University (Prague),
International Fellow in Dermatovenerology from Juntendo University in Tokyo,
Specialization diploma in general dermatology from Bond University (Australia)
Master in Aesthetic Medicine (Level 7 in CPD injectables) from Barts School of Medicine (London)
Fellow in laser surgery at Israel and Villa Donatello (Italy).
International expert from CMAC, faculty of the American Society of Aesthetic Medicine, the International Society of Chemical Peels, and the Czech Academy of Dermatovenereology.
KOL Hyalual, KOL Hyamira NYUMA Pharma, KOL Mint Threads Lifting, Trainer for BCN dermaceuticals, Trainer Vivacy Stylage, and Trainer T-Lab Turkey.
I actively do research and study different aspects of the skin; new non invasive approaches for anti aging and innovate products to create long lasting forgiving results.

Professor Dr. Ashok Govila

For The Past 35 Years, Dr Ashok Govila Was Dedicated To The Art Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery In England And Dubai. He Has Some More Than Fifty Thousand Successful Surgical Procedures Ending Into Delighted Patients To His Credit.
He is the most senior and experienced plastic surgeon of the United Arab Emirates with experience of over 35 years in Aesthetic Plastic surgery including in England. He has more than fifty thousand successful surgical procedures ending in delighted patients to his credit.
Professor Dr Ashok Govila was formerly working as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in the United Kingdom National Health Service. He was based at the Middleborough General Hospital Northern Regional Health Authority, Newcastle upon Tyne. Today His areas of special interest include a Nose job, Breast Job, Body Sculpturing, tummy tuck, fat transfer to breast and face, and reconstructive surgery of the face, breast and abdomen.
Professor Dr Ashok Govila is a British-trained Aesthetic, and Reconstructive surgeon. He is recognized internationally as an author of several books in the field of plastic surgery such as “Practical approach to plastic surgery” and “alternative free flaps” and co-author of several books.
At the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, he was churned and trained ceaselessly for 2 years by top two Indian Plastic surgeons namely Prof CBK and Prof. C. P. Sawhney during 1975-77. The fire to ascend and serve them asses better took Professor Dr. Ashok Govila in England (1978- 1983) where he was exposed to microsurgical methods of reconstruction by Prof. D. A. McGrowther at Shotley Bridge Hospital, Consett, CO. Durham in the north of England.
He received advanced Plastic surgery training at the largest plastic surgery unit of international fame namely Canniesburn Hospital in Glasgow, England where he was exposed to stalwarts of plastic surgery like Tom Gibson, Ian MacGregor, Ian Jackson, Graham Lister, D.A. MacGrowther. His contemporaries of that time like David Souter are now the chairman of Canniesburn Hospital. Some of his teachers like R.C Bell have contributed chapters in Surgical Treatise of Operative Surgery by Rodney Smith.
This experience was greatly used when he returned back home in 1983 to join as an Assistant professor at the parent institution Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. In 1986 Professor worked as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Middleborough General Hospital for some time.It was in India due to the inability to practice microsurgery the birth of the method described in the book took place. He ascended fast into an associate and then into an additional professor in 1986. In 1993 Professor Ashok moved to Abu Dhabi and then in 2007 he moved to Dubai. His keen interest in Aesthetic surgery now finds him among the top aesthetic plastic surgeon in the region. He excels in Breast augmentation, Breast lift, Rhinoplasty, female and male rejuvenation procedures, Liposuction and Gynaecomastia. His hobbies include oil painting on canvas and photography

Dr. Ahmed Ismail

Dermatology specialist with 12 years of Aesthetic medicine Experience. Member of European Academy of Dermatology & laser

Dr. Mai Ahmed Radwan

Pharmacist , cosmetologist and beauty therapist
Founder of dr.mai_pharmacista page


Associate Professor Dr. Ungku Mohd Shahrin has been a registered medical doctor for
the past 26 years, a strong advocator of evidence-based medicine, and has performed most of the
available aesthetic procedures. He pursued his aesthetic training and obtained many certifications
and fellowships from reputable institutions locally and internationally. He was the first doctor who
received Letter of Credentialing and Privileging (LCP) in Aesthetic Medical Practice from the
Ministry of Health Malaysia in 2013. Following his passion for teaching, in early 2014, he pursued
his academic journey and obtained his master’s degree in education. In 2018, he joined MAHSA
university as an Associate Professor in the faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy and
became the Head of the Department for Aesthetic Medicine. At the Ministry of Heath level, he is
one of the committee members involved in developing the guidelines for aesthetic medical
practitioners in Malaysia. He has been with the Aesthetic Medical Practice division MOH, Malaysia,
since 2008.
He is the founder of the Medical Aesthetic Certification (MAC) program, Medical Aesthetic
International Certification (MAIC) program, and International Academy of Advanced Aesthetic
(IAAA) program.
In 2018, he initiated the first International Medical Aesthetic Conference and Exhibition
(IMACE) held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, which runs biennially. In January 2020, he set
up the first research center in aesthetic, pharmaceutical, and regenerative medicine in South East
Asia called “USMARI Research & Innovation centre” to promote clinical research and the
advancement of aesthetic medicine in the region.
With his vast experience and knowledge, he was often invited as a speaker for major
international aesthetic conferences such as IMCAS (Paris), AMWC (Monaco), ITCAM (Bangkok),
and Dubai Derma (Dubai), EADV (Geneva), IMACE, etc. Several local and international
companies also appoint him to become their Key Opinion Leader (KOL) regarding the clinical
usage of their aesthetic devices or products.
He published medical aesthetic books called “Laser & Light in Aesthetic Practice:
Unlocking the Secret Codes” and “Sound in Aesthetic: Unlocking the Secrets Codes,” “The Naked
Truth about Aesthetic Treatment” and Guidebook on ”SAF Technique” (Shahrin Advance Filler
His contribution to medical aesthetic research clinical papers including “Face Lifting And
Skin Tightening With Combination Technology Of High-Intensity Focus Ultrasound and Monopolar
Grid Radiofrequency,” “Facial Aesthetic Preferences among three major ethnic groups in
Malaysia,” “Efficacy and Adverse Events of High-Intensity Focus Ultrasound for Abdominal Fat
Reduction,” “ Study of safety and efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosome for aesthetic
medicine applications,” “The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the medical aesthetics services
in Malaysia” and “The efficacy of Intense Pulse Light among patients with skin type III-IV in acute
facial acne: The Malaysian experience.”
Currently, he is involved in several ongoing research projects, namely,” Case series study:
Safety and efficacy of topical agents, oral antioxidant, laser therapy and the combination of such
for melasma,” “Woman Facial Aesthetic Preferences Among Malaysia’s Major Ethnicity” and
“Medical aesthetic awareness among public in Malaysia: A cross-sectional survey.”
He is the President of Malaysia Registered Aesthetic Medical Practitioners Organization
(Pertubuhan Doktor Estetik Berdaftar Malaysia -PDEBM), a member of Malaysia Medical

Association (MMA), Malaysia Society of Aesthetic Medicine (MSAM), and the Society of Anti-
Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine Malaysia (SAAARMM).

Dr. Ivanishina Lyudmila

Doctor of aesthetic medicine, cosmetologist, age-manager. Specialist in injections, care procedures and hardware techniques
Expert in TV show « Be healthy»

Dr. Nenad Stankovic

DMD, specialist of cosmetology.

Doctor Miyasnik Margaryan

.Yerevan State Medical University, faculty of General Medicine.

.Master’s degree: Yerevan State Medical University, Management of medical institutions and business administration. (Executive MBA) .Master’s degree: Warsaw University of Business. (MBA) .CEO and founder of Dermolife Global Company in 5 countries: Armenia; Georgia; Poland; Czech Republic and already in USA!

Dr Brian Franks


Dr Brian Franks is Visiting Professor, City of London Dental School for the MSc Programmes, University of Bolton and the Programme Clinical Director & Co-Producer of their MSc in Aesthetic Non-Surgical Interventions programme. He is the Principal of Dr Brian Franks Facial/Medical Aesthetics Training in association with Wynyard Aesthetics Academy and is a Facial/Medical Aesthetics Practitioner in Central London. He was a member of Health Education England (HEE) Expert Reference Group, regarding the provision and training for aesthetic non-surgical interventions and is currently a member of the Medical Board of CCR (Clinical Cosmetic & Reconstructive) Expo. Brian is a certified Merz Innovation Associate, supporting Health Care Professionals with guidance and education on behalf of Merz Aesthetics. Brian is also a Fellow of the Expert Witness Institute and has worked as a Medico-Legal Expert Witness for over 20 years